Sunday, January 30, 2011

And time keeps on tickin'.. tickin'.. tickin'.. into the future!

It's been crazy the past few weeks, settling into the work routine, watching our little boy grow and develop and dealing with another pregnancy.WOW! We thought last year few by while I was pregnant with Matthew. I can't imagine what this year is gonna be like, being pregnant AND rasing a child in his first year of life. Is it September already??

Matthew is getting to be so independent, he like to sit straight up supported by pillows or while being held and he LOVES to stand up. We bought him a walker and he loves it, he likes the freedom of standing without us having to hold him. He's eating a little bit of rice cereal now, and he seems to like it. I don't like to give him alot in his bottle but he wants he gets it you can't even take it away to burp him without him screaming at you.

As far as the new baby not much on that front, I have an ultrasound in two weeks, and for some reason I am really nervous about it but totally relaxed about being pregnant. It's kind of weird not to be announcing to everyone that we are pregnant, we will in good time. I am sure everyone will be pretty shocked since Matthew is still so little. I truely believe that if it was meant to happen it will happen and we didn't do anything to "help" ourselves get pregnant this time and it happened so I think we were meant to go on this adventure together.

Well, stay tuned for more in a while.   Jennifer

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