Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back in the Saddle, Again

I have been so busy this year. 2013 has so far been very good to the Durbin family. Lots of changes but so far all for the best. I can't believe it's already July.

Summer time is the best time, especially here in the PNW. The weather is warm but with cool off shore breezes. Blue sky makes for a perfect backdrop to our lush green forests. 

It's sunlight till 10 pm and BBQ's and everything good to eat!
My kids love playing outside, swimming in their pool or the lake and going to the park. My parents came to visit recently and we got to swim in their hotel pool. The kids flipped over that. Mostly they just loved being with their Papa and Grandma. I miss my parents so much. I don't know if it's because now that I have kids of my own I wish they could spend more time with their grandkids or if I just missing being able to be kid-like when I am with them.
I have already started my first batch of canning so far this year after noticing that my local market had bunches of fresh dill, already. Last year I didn't start canning until late summer but I was addicted, let me tell you. This year I plan on canning triple what I did last year and I have tried my hand at jam as well. I tried freezer jam, super easy.
I love that the summer is just beginning. So much more to come. I want to start blogging some of my recipes for mac-n-cheese, tomatillo/cilantro salsa, and some of my baked goods. I am really going to try to dedicate myself to posting.
Stay tuned!!